Subject: DNI & BYF

DNI: Do not interact if u are a troll, If youre racist, homophobic, Rude, Cringe.
same thing for ***BYF ***
(before you follow)

Subject: About me

Abt me:
My pronouns are she/her,
I am mixed, I was born in Europe and I speak two languages, i have a dog named daisy, ect.

Subject: Favorite

Fav: Christmas!!,
Food, sleeping, drawing, discord, youtube, netflix,
horror movies, baking, music, elasticdroid(youtuber), ect.

Subject : Love & Hate

Love: Animals, Baking, Friends, Roblox, My Server, Music, helping others, christmas, ect.

Hate: My allergies, Bullies, cooking, math, school, loud sounds like fire alarms, ect.